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Zion Care Connection

The ministry’s outreach goals of the Zion Care Connection are #1 to
offer prayerful support in times of need through cards, calls and visits
#2 to raise awareness of local services and resources that exist to
provide help, education and activities in our community and #3 to
foster an environment of caring within our church community by
providing rides to medical appointments, meals, and help with
errands/grocery runs for our members who are ill, recovering from a
hospital or rehab stay or are caregiving and need support. This is a very active ministry of our church. We regularly reach out to our congregation to offer support for a variety of needs and also provide education via posted materials/ brochures, announcements and websites. We are currently recruiting more volunteers to help us meet the needs of our church. Volunteers are asked to provide OCCASIONAL assistance as their schedules permit!!!!

Please consider joining us. Our care recipients are extremely grateful for everything we do.

If you or a loved one need help or if you can support our ministry for a couple of
hours every now and then, please contact the church office.

Ladies Guild

The Ladies Guild meets the second Monday of each month at 9:30am to share fellowship and refreshments and conduct business. The Guild organized the monthly coffee hour that follows the worship service and conducts the three annual church bazaars.  They also maintain the church Memorial Garden.  It supports Lutheran Social Ministries in Camden with Thanksgiving baskets and warm clothes, ELCA World Hunge Relief, Interfaith Support Services, and the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Food Pantry.

Facilities Team

The Facilities Team manages all aspects of our church buildings.  This team includes Duke Duricek, Ray Strotman, Sal and Barbara Annarumma with both Pastors Bill McGowan (not pictured) and Rudy Schneider.  They recently completed managing the 2021-22 Fellowship Hall and Kitchen renovation project where they donated hours of time and talents to complete the project under budget.  They also recently installed a Wifi Smart thermostat that allows us to manage the heating and cooling of our buildings while off-premises.  

The Zion Tech Team includes Jean Birdsall, Duke Duricek, Ray Strotman, Bob Preston and Pastor Bill.  This team is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Audion Visual system installed in 2020 that includes video camera in sanctuary, audio mics and speakers in sanctuary and fellowship hall, projector and screen all which operates on a separate Production wifi.  This system records and streams services to the Zion Facebook and YouTube channels.  They also manage the Zion webssite and social media.  

Youth Ministry

The Zion Youth Ministry is managed by the Reynolds family: Aileen and Rick Reynolds and daughters Avila and Bryce.  

Sunday School Meets weekly during the 10am church worship service.  Children participate in the beginning of the general worship service and are dismissed to the Fellowship Hall after the Youth Message.

Confirmation Class Meets throughout the school year during worship on Sundays for youth (usually Middle School age) preparing for their Affirmation of Baptism.

First Communion Class Meets weekly for about eight weeks in the spring during Sunday School for children preparing to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.